

Data Science Specialization

You will get access to the following courses-

  • Data Science with R + R Programming
  • Predictive Modeling with SAS
  • Practical SAS Programming

Rs 44000 Rs 33000 ($508)

Data Science with SAS & R

You will get access to the following courses-

  • Predictive Modeling with SAS
  • Data Science with R + R Programming

Rs 33000 Rs 26000 ($400)


Complete SAS Course

You will get access to the following courses-

  • Predictive Modeling with SAS
  • Practical SAS Programming

Rs 26000 Rs 21000 ($323)

SAS + R Programming

You will get access to the following courses-

  • Practical SAS Programming
  • Practical R Programming

Rs 20000 Rs 17000 ($262)